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  • This is for Pace of Play purposes. 


1 Mulligan per 9 Holes

  • Mulligans must be used from tee-box only

  • Extra purchased Mulligans are to be used on Contest Holes Only.

  • Contest Mulligans are played as best ball (Choose your favorite tee shot)

  • 1 Mulligan per hole (No combining 9-Hole mulligan with contest mulligan).


During Shotgun Starts - Mulligans are based off your first 9 holes played and second 9 holes played.



  • Club length gimmies are allowed for double bogey or higher

  • Must putt for Bogey or less

  • Make sure to add the stroke for "gimmies"



Cap out at Double-Par

  • Par 3 - 6 Strokes Max

  • Par 4 - 8 Strokes Max

  • Par 5 - 10 Strokes Max



Lift, Clean, & Place (Preferred Lies)

  • Only Permitted in the fairway unless there is an immovable object that can cause harm or injury to player or golf club. For example, the cart path, a tree root, or ground under repair.  

  • Please move ball if it is inbounds, but your stance requires you to be in someone's backyard. 

  • 1 Club Length max, no closer to the hole



Out of Bounds: Stroke and Distance

  • White and Red Markers are not used on AJT.

  • Player loses one stroke and receives distance for the shot. Player must hit from agreed upon area with grouping partners.

  • If you feel that your tee-shot may be out of bounds, you can play a provisional ball to save time. You must announce to your group that you are playing a provisional ball before doing so.

  • You cannot use provisional ball as a mulligan if you are able to find your original ball inbounds.

  • Maximum amount of time to look for a ball is 2 minutes with all players in group assisting on the search. After 2 minutes, you must take a drop and 1 stroke penalty.


Unplayable lies:  No Penalty

  • When there is an immovable obstruction that hinders your stance or swing, or a man made obstruction between your ball and the hole impeding the possible ball flight, the ball can be moved without penalty. For example, your ball may have come to rest on a grate or a sprinkler head, necessitating a drop. If your ball lies near a hazard stake that impacts your stance or swing, and the stake can’t be temporarily removed, then it’s deemed an immovable object and you gain relief — no closer to the hole.

  • Average Joe allows you to move ball away from cart path and tree roots without receiving Penalty. We are here for fun. Do not mess up your clubs.

  • Casual water on the course enables you to move the ball without penalty. Generally, if your ball finishes there or your stance is affected (visible underfoot), then move your ball to the nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole. If water is on the green, come to an agreement with playing partners on where to putt from.



Suspended/Postponed Rounds : â€‹In the event a round is suspended due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances

  • ​​​While most incomplete rounds are due to weather, some are for other reasons. For weather, there has to be a dangerous situation, or the course is unplayable for players to quit without getting penalized. If someone quits just because it's "too rainy" or "too cold", they will be carded for double-par on remainder of holes.

  • Suspended Rounds are handled on a course-by-course basis and refunds are based off each individual course discretion. For Example, If X-number of holes are played, courses may give each player a voucher. Average Joe Tour has no control over how this is handled. 

  • Postponed Rounds may happen due to inclement weather. AJT will notify each player as swiftly as possible once determined a course will be unplayable for the day. AJT will try to reschedule any postponed rounds within 3 weeks of scheduled date. Full Refunds will not be provided until a round is fully deemed "canceled". Requested refunds prior will be subject to 3.5% Processing Fee.  


Scoring for Suspended Round:

  • Based off the number of holes finished by all players in each flight. For example, if you are in the first group and finished all 18 holes but a player in the last group only finished 12 holes, all players will be scored for holes 1-12 with the everyone receiving "net par" for holes 13-18. In this case, scores will not be calculated against handicaps. 

  • 9 holes must be completed by every player in respective flight for round to count. 


​Ready Golf: Must keep up with Pace of Play

  •  Use your discretion, but it is not always mandatory to have further ball play first.


Golf Etiquette:​

  • Proper golf attire(No T-Shirts, No denim)

  • Keep music at reasonable level

  • Do not talk in partners back swing

  • Do not talk while partners putting

  • Leave course better than you found it

  • Abide by all individual course rules


© 2025 by Average Joe Tour LLC

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