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To keep it simple, Act like adults.

Fighting and purposely cheating will not be tolerated and will cause for you to be suspended from any future events.

Golf is Fun, Lets Keep it that way. Remember that WE ALL SUCK

(Not USGA Sanctioned)


*1 Mulligan per 9*

- Mulligans must be used on 1st stroke

-Must play Mulligan if used

- Extra Mulligans purchased are to be used on CONTEST HOLES ONLY

- Contest Mulligans are played as “Best Ball” (Choose your favorite Tee shot)

- 1 Mulligan per hole (No combining 9-hole mulligan with contest mulligan)


*Must putt for Bogey or less. Club length gimmies are allowed for double bogey or higher. 


*Cap out at Double-Par

Par 3 - 6 Strokes max

Par 4 - 8 Strokes max

Par 5 - 10 Strokes max


Lift, Clean & Replace is allowed. 

Club Length Only, No Closer to Hole

Not allowed on Fringe or Green.

You are not allowed to change your lie.

For example, Moving from a bunker to the rough or moving from the rough to the fairway. 



Out of Bounds/Provisional Ball

*Player loses one stroke and receives distance for the shot. Player must hit shot from agreed upon area with grouping partners.


- If you think that your ball might be out bounds or that you might not find it, you can play a provisional ball to save time. You must announce that you are playing a provisional ball before doing so. If you are then unable to find your original ball, or you find it out of bounds, your mulligan will be accounted for. If a mulligan is unavailable, you must take stroke and distance of where your first ball entered out of bounds.



​​Unplayable lies:  No Penalty

*When there is an immovable obstruction that hinders your stance or swing, or a manmade obstruction between your ball and the hole

impeding the possible ball flight, the ball can be moved without penalty. For example, your ball may have come to rest on a grate or a

sprinkler head, necessitating a drop. If your ball lies near a hazard stake that impacts your stance or swing, and the stake can’t be

temporarily removed, then it’s deemed an immovable object and you gain relief — no closer to the hole.


*Average Joe allows you to move ball from cart path without receiving Penalty. We are here for fun. Do not mess up your clubs.


*Casual water on the course enables you to move the ball without penalty.

Generally, if your ball finishes there or your stance is affected (visible underfoot), then move your ball to the nearest point of relief,

no closer to the hole.



READY GOLF: MUST KEEP UP WITH PACE OF PLAY - Use your discretion, but it is not always mandatory to have further ball play 1st.

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